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How to treat high blood pressure level without ruining your sex life

Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology


Sophia Antipolis , France – 28 Aug 2020:  Men with untreated high blood pressure have poorer penile blood flow than those with normal blood pressure, co-ordinate to research presented today at ESC Congress 2020.1 The differences disappeared with blood pressure medication. The results provide reassurance to men concerned about the effects of claret pressure level-lowering medications.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) affects more ane billion people worldwide and is the leading crusade of premature decease.ii A healthy lifestyle is advised, including common salt restriction, alcohol moderation, exercise, weight control, and smoking cessation. Most patients also require drug treatment, which is linked to reduced risks of decease, stroke, and heart disease – simply around half of patients do non take their pills. Sexual dysfunction is one reason why patients stop medication.

Men with hypertension are about twice as likely to have dumb penile claret flow and erectile dysfunction compared to men with normal claret pressure, increasing their risk of eye disease and death. High blood pressure damages avenue walls, causing them to harden and narrow, and reducing claret flow to the penis. Erectile dysfunction is an early on warning sign of damaged blood vessels.

Nonetheless, previous studies have shown that erectile dysfunction is more than common in treated, than untreated, men with high blood pressure. And certain antihypertensive drugs – notably diuretics and beta blockers – have been linked with deterioration in sexual office. This study examined the association between blood pressure level and penile blood flow, and whether blood pressure-lowering medication had an effect on the relationship.

The study included 356 men with erectile dysfunction and no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease who attended a clinic between 2006 and 2019. The accomplice was divided into three categories according to blood pressure level: normal, high-normal, and hypertension. A total of 164 (46%) patients were being treated with antihypertensive medications.

All patients underwent a penile colour Doppler ultrasound which is the standard method for evaluating penile blood vessels and erectile dysfunction. The method involves injecting a drug into the base of operations of the penis to open the blood vessels and then measuring blood catamenia. Penile claret flow is considered impaired when the velocity is lower than 25 cm/s.

Among men non receiving antihypertensive medication, penile claret flow velocity progressively decreased with rise blood pressure level – i.e. claret menstruum was fastest in those with normal blood pressure, slower in those with loftier-normal blood pressure, and slowest in those with hypertension (run into Effigy). In contrast, amidst men taking antihypertension therapy, in that location was no difference in penile blood menses velocity between the three claret pressure categories.

"The progressive subtract in penile claret flow velocity beyond the 3 blood force per unit area categories in men non taking antihypertensive medication indicates significant structural changes in the penile blood vessels from longstanding hypertension," said study writer Professor Charalambos Vlachopoulos of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. "The blood flow differences beyond the three claret pressure categories disappeared with treatment, suggesting a medication effect."

An boosted analysis compared treated and untreated men within each claret pressure group. In the hypertension category, treated and untreated patients had similar penile claret period velocities. However, in the loftier-normal category, treated men had worse penile blood flow than untreated men. Similarly, in the normal claret pressure category, treated men had worse penile claret menstruum than untreated men.

Professor Vlachopoulos said: "These results imply that hypertensive patients already have pregnant structural impairment in the penile arteries and calculation antihypertensive drugs does not further reduce penile blood menstruum. But in men with normal or loftier-normal blood pressure level, the penile arteries have minimal structural damage and medications could have a negative impact on penile claret menstruation."

He urged men with concerns well-nigh sexual dysfunction to discuss information technology with their doctor. "For men with as yet untreated hypertension, older medications (beta blockers and diuretics) are non ideal and should exist used only if absolutely indicated," he said.

Professor Vlachopoulos noted that changing hypertensive medications in men with erectile dysfunction must exist handled with caution. He said: "Starting time, if a co-existing illness dictates using a specific drug category (for example, beta blockers for coronary artery disease and centre failure, diuretics for heart failure), then switching is not advocated. Alternatives might exist considered if patients are at gamble of stopping lifesaving therapy because of the detrimental impact of erectile dysfunction on their life."

"2d, switching to another drug form does not guarantee either the restoration or comeback of erectile function. This has to exist carefully explained to patients in accelerate to avoid unreasonable expectations," he said.

Professor Vlachopoulos concluded: "Our study shows that loftier blood pressure tin exist treated without causing erectile dysfunction. Patients and doctors demand to take open discussions to observe the best treatment option."

Effigy: Penile blood flow velocity across blood pressure level categories in treated and untreated men

Erectil graph Vlachopulos.jpg

BP = blood pressure level; PSV = elevation systolic velocity.


Notes to editor

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This press release accompanies an abstract at ESC Congress 2020 – The Digital Feel. Information technology does non necessarily reflect the stance of the European Social club of Cardiology.

Funding: None.

Disclosures: The authors take nothing to disclose.

References and notes

1Abstract title: Association between office claret pressure, antihypertensive medication use and male person sexual dysfunction: A penile Doppler study.

2Williams B, Mancia K, Spiering West, et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Middle J. 2018;39:3021–3104.

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The European Society of Cardiology brings together health intendance professionals from more than 150 countries, working to advance cardiovascular medicine and help people lead longer, healthier lives.

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ESC Congress is the world's largest gathering of cardiovascular professionals contributing to global awareness of the latest clinical trials and breakthrough discoveries. ESC Congress 2020 takes identify online from 29 August to 1 September. More information is available from the ESC Press Office at press@escardio.org.


Source: https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/how-to-treat-high-blood-pressure-without-ruining-your-sex-life

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