Driver Caught Passing Red Light Funny

No matter what I say I know it is seriously bad and seriously dangerous. However it was my first time driving in a city with more than two lanes, as I am from Cornwall where windy backroads are the norm. Stressed with the thought of what lane I should be in as there was about five to chose from with faint road markings I ended up driving through a red light. I'm so worried and I feel so stupid, extremely stressed out at the time I just didn't know what I was doing and was hugely out of my comfort zone.
Because i am such a new driver could i be let off the points? I don't think there is any courses around my area... i just need someone to reassure me that my license isnt going to be taken from me....

They won't take your license of you. So don't panic.
You'll probably get a 'Notice of intended prosecution' . It will describe your offence, show evidence and ask you to admit guilt and pay a fine. The fine depends on the area you are in. Around £100.
You will also get 3 points. However (and I can't promise this) you may be offered a course about driving safety. You take the course, Pay £90 (Instead of 100) and you DON'T get the points.
So usually you have a choice:
*Pay £90, take a course, no points.
*Pay 100 and take 3 points.

There will be a course near to you, may be an hours drive.

Also wait until you get the letter through. For all you know there wasn't a camera and so you weren't caught but take it as a lesson. When you're ever in a city and you don't understand just take your time and slow down. If you're in the wrong lane don't worry just go with it and find somewhere to turn around after. Confidence comes with experience, the more you drive the better you'll get. It's very true that you really learn to drive after your test.

Was there a red light safety camera around? I've driven through a few red lights, it's okay if you do it at night or somewhere where there isn't a camera, I've never been caught.

There's no doubt a fair number of new driver mistakes where people have been injured or worse, so just be glad that you've learned your lesson without anyone getting hurt

It's always good to remember that driving is a potentially dangerous activity, whether you've been driving 5 days or 5 decades!

(Original post by chloegliddon)
No matter what I say I know it is seriously bad and seriously dangerous. However it was my first time driving in a city with more than two lanes, as I am from Cornwall where windy backroads are the norm. Stressed with the thought of what lane I should be in as there was about five to chose from with faint road markings I ended up driving through a red light. I'm so worried and I feel so stupid, extremely stressed out at the time I just didn't know what I was doing and was hugely out of my comfort zone.
Because i am such a new driver could i be let off the points? I don't think there is any courses around my area... i just need someone to reassure me that my license isnt going to be taken from me....

The vast majority of traffic lights in the country don't have a camera, so the only way you'd get caught is:

a) There is a camera
b) You crashed because of it
c) A police officer watched you do it

You'll probably never hear of it again unless this was a busy inner-city lights with a camera, which you can check online.

Honestly licences should be taken for that

Posted from TSR Mobile

Search for where you were and see whether there is a traffic light camera there or not.

(Original post by KQuick)
They won't take your license of you. So don't panic.
You'll probably get a 'Notice of intended prosecution' . It will describe your offence, show evidence and ask you to admit guilt and pay a fine. The fine depends on the area you are in. Around £100.
You will also get 3 points. However (and I can't promise this) you may be offered a course about driving safety. You take the course, Pay £90 (Instead of 100) and you DON'T get the points.
So usually you have a choice:
*Pay £90, take a course, no points.
*Pay 100 and take 3 points.

There will be a course near to you, may be an hours drive.

Also wait until you get the letter through. For all you know there wasn't a camera and so you weren't caught but take it as a lesson. When you're ever in a city and you don't understand just take your time and slow down. If you're in the wrong lane don't worry just go with it and find somewhere to turn around after. Confidence comes with experience, the more you drive the better you'll get. It's very true that you really learn to drive after your test.

For a start OP, how do you know you've been caught?

I went through a red light once.... I was focusing way too much on someone who was walking towards the edge of the pavement.... I thought they were about to step out in front of me... next thing, look up, see a red light, too late.... no time to stop.

Thankfully for me there were no police around (This is a bit unusual in Croydon - it's crawling with Cops) and there was no RLC fitted at that location.

Unless you saw a very obvious flash, or were caught by a more advance discreet ANPR camera (some have red light enforcement amongst other things), then it would appear you've got away with it.

As for the punishment, you'd likely get 3 points and a £100 fine through the post, or you could choose to contest the case in a magistrate court.

Someone above me mentioned a speed awareness course, I seriously doubt this applies here as speed is not the issue, the issue is the running of the red light.

Normally red light runners either get given a verbal warning by police if they are present, or given a FPN (Fixed Penalty Notice - 3 points + £100 fine).

You won't lose your license for up to 2 years after passing your test unless you accumulate 6 points, (you get 6 for driving with no insurance, 3 or more for speeding [minimum of 3 points but if speeding very excessively or going to court to contest the case you don't have a defence for - they endorse more points]).

My gut feeling is that based on what you've said, you've got away with it.

Count yourself lucky and take it easy on the road

All the best.

About two weeks after passing my test, I drove through a red light whilst changing the music in my car. Luckily it wasn't a busy junction otherwise bad things could have happened. Utter stupidity on my behalf but it happens.

hello if I passed the yellow light of the traffic light and almost at the exit of the intersection it turned red something could happen to me

hello if I passed the yellow light of the traffic light and almost at the exit of the intersection it turned red something could happen to me

(Original post by WSH1995)
Someone above me mentioned a speed awareness course, I seriously doubt this applies here as speed is not the issue, the issue is the running of the red light.

Normally red light runners either get given a verbal warning by police if they are present, or given a FPN (Fixed Penalty Notice - 3 points + £100 fine).

I ran a red light sometime in my first year on the roads. I was given the option of taking a course rather than points, which I obviously jumped at. It was entitled Road Safety Awareness or somesuch and was a separate course to the speed one. It was actually pretty decent and certainly changed how I approached lights from that point on.


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